Oncology Staff Honors Nurse with BE AWARD

Apr 8, 2019

BE-Award-1-cStaff, administrators, family and friends of former Brookwood nurse Bethany Evans gathered Thursday, April 4 to honor the second “BE AWARD” recipient.

Bethany Evans was the victim of domestic violence in 2017, where she was taken from everyone that knew her far too soon at the age of 23.

Shortly after, the staff of 7 Main created the “BE Award,” which are Bethany’s initials where the staff all agree that Bethany’s bright light and bubbly personality taught everyone how they ought to “BE.”

Holly BoBo was the first recipient of the award and she came to speak about this year’s award recipient Kelcie Alexander.

“This award means a lot to me, but I must say I could not do what I do without the help of my team,” Kelcie said. “I am so honored to receive this award.”

Denise Cortez, nurse manager for the floor spoke highly of Bethany and the impact she had on her peers. Also in attendance was Bethany’s family and they all were very grateful to the staff of seven main for continuing this award.

“It is just a true testament to this hospital and the character of its staff for them to keep this award going,” Tim Evans, Bethany’s father said. “It just shows there is such a family atmosphere at Brookwood.”

The recipient received a plaque, a gift from Kendra Scott and a hand-made piece of pottery. Bethany’s mother and father also received a gift from the floor as a token of their love for them.

Bethany’s had such was an impact on the 7 Main floor and the team plans to continue the award to remember her legacy.

Even though this was a very difficult time, it was a moment to shine light on the issue of domestic violence.

We applaud and congratulate you Kelcie on a well-deserved honor!


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